The following case came under my observation during the winter of 1867:? Miss 0., a healthy, robust looking girl, of florid complexion, "with dark brown hair, aged 14, bora and brought up in the hills, was attacked with hemiplegia of the right side of the hody on the 5th February, after exposure to a heavy rain storm, while out for an airing the evening before. I first saw my patient on the morning of the 8th, and learnt tlie following history of her case from her mother, who informed me that her daughter was caught in a heavy shower ?.t rain on the evening previous to the attack, which wet her through; that the girl remained for some time in her wet undergarments without changing; she slept uneasily that night, and the morning, when she rose from her. bed, her mother observed that the right side of her body was powerless. On examining the girl, I observed the following symptoms:?The arm and leg of the affected side lie as if lifeless, all power of motion in them being destroyed; the arm hangs by her side,, and is drawn a little backwards; she can walk, but only with
منابع مشابه
Effect of Child Friendly Constraint Induced Movement Therapy on Unimanual and Bimanual Function in Hemiplegia
Objectives: Hemiplegia is a non-progressive damage in premature growing brain which causes movement disorders in one side of the body. The objective of present research is to study the method of modified constraints induced movement therapy (CIMT) which can be appropriate on unimanual and bimanual functions of children with Hemiplegia. Methods: This single-blinded, randomized, control trial ...
متن کاملMotor imagery of the unaffected hand in children with spastic hemiplegia.
This study examined the ability of children with hemiplegia to perform motor imagery of their unaffected hand. Children (8-12 years) formed three groups--R-HEMI: right-sided hemiplegia, n = 21; L-HEMI: left-sided hemiplegia, n = 19; and Comparisons, n = 21. We expected no group differences on a simple imagined grasping task, but the hemiplegia groups to perform atypically on an imagined pointin...
متن کاملChild neurology: benign nocturnal alternating hemiplegia of childhood.
Laetitia J.J.C. WagenerSchimmel, MD Joost Nicolai, MD, PhD Alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC) is a disorder of recurrent hemiplegia beginning before age 18 months and is associated with dystonia, nystagmus, and progressive cognitive and motor impairment. This disorder was first recognized by Verret and Steele1 in 1971. Benign nocturnal alternating hemiplegia of childhood, which differs f...
متن کاملShort Communications Hypoglycemic Hemiplegia: Two Cases and a Clinical Review
Hypoglycemic hemiplegia mimics cerebrovascular disease. Two patients are reported who experienced multiple attacks of transient hemiplegia associated with hypoglycemia and who were initially diagnosed as having transient ischemic attacks. In both, angiography was normal and the attacks resolved with reduction of insulin dose. Recognition of hypoglycemia as the cause of transient hemiplegia is i...
متن کاملA Critical Review of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy and Forced Use in Children With Hemiplegia
Hemiplegia is a physical impairment that can occur in childhood following head trauma, cerebral vascular accident or transient ischemic attack (stroke), brain tumor, or congenital or perinatal injury. One of the most disabling symptoms of hemiplegia is unilaterally impaired hand and arm function. Sensory and motor impairments in children with hemiplegia compromise movement efficiency. Such chil...
متن کاملThe effect of injury timing on white matter changes in the corpus callosum following unilateral brain injury☆
Motor impairments following unilateral brain injuries may be related to changes in the corpus callosum. The purpose of this study was to determine if the corpus callosum is impacted differently in pediatric versus adult hemiplegia. Diffusion tensor imaging was completed on 41 participants (11 pediatric hemiplegia, 10 adult hemiplegia, 10 pediatric control and 10 adult control). Fractional aniso...
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عنوان ژورنال:
دوره 3 شماره
صفحات -
تاریخ انتشار 1997